
5 Essential Travel Tips for Women

5 Essential Travel Tips for Women


We’re all excited for travel to start up again. The yearn to embrace new cultures and meet individuals from all over the world is ever growing in this social distancing era. Whether you’re daydreaming of a girls trip or a solo trip, here are 5 essential travel tips for women to save for your next adventure!


  1. Use online resources to connect with other travellers and locals! We love The Travelettes, Go Girl Travel Network, Pink Pangea, Hostelworld, and facebook pages like Women Who Travel and The Solo Female Travel Network. This is a great place to ask for recommendations, get advice, and connect with women around the world!


  • Consider wearing a wedding band. Wearing a wedding band can deter possible advances or harassment that women travellers are often met with. It also insinuates that you may not be alone and you easily can claim that a man is waiting for you.


  • Dress the culture. It’s important to understand the customs of your destination in order to blend in and stay safe. Dressing like a local is not only respectful to the culture, but will avoid any unwanted attention being drawn to the fact that you’re a tourist. 


  • Do extensive research. Being an expert on your destination will allow you to feel ease while travelling. But also understand that you will never know everything. Be sure to ask female workers at your hotel what to do what to avoid!


  • Be Confident. Making eye contact and walking as if you have somewhere to go are proven ways to avoid theft and harassment. If you look at someone directly, you’re more likely to remember their face, thus deterring any advances. 



These tips are only the “tip” of the iceberg, but will prove to be extremely useful. Respond to this post with your essential travel tips!


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