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The changes that come in autumn

The season of autumn brings many beautiful changes from the colorful leaves falling along the streets, to the cozy sweaters and pumpkin-flavored treats! We notice these new changes happening around us but rarely do we also take note of the changes happening within our bodies. Just like the seasons our bodies change right along with it. 


As summer comes to an end and we flow into fall we may see drastic changes in our bodies. Not all changes are bad changes, in fact most of the changes that happen in our body may be very beneficial. 



Sleep patterns 

Throughout the year it may seem like we’re moving faster and our bodies are always playing catch up, but during the fall it just seems as though the world around us slows down a bit. During the fall, the weather becomes a little cooler causing people to stay in more, take naps, and hit the snooze button before getting up to start the day. 


Even though you’ll be getting more sleep it may not leave you feeling the best because we’re taking more naps and sleeping in, this may mess with your sleeping patterns making you feel a bit sluggish or even lazy when you wake up. So yes, take naps and sleep in but set an alarm to keep you at your absolute best!



Sex Drive Increases

During the fall season you usually will start to hear people throwing around the phrase “cuddle weather”. You probably also hear others saying they either need a cuddle buddy or how much they love having one. The immense amount of love and affection comes with the season, so if you’re feeling extra frisky don’t worry it’s natural. 


Studies have shown that in autumn our testosterone and estrogen levels are at an all-time high. In autumn, you don’t only crave your favorite holiday treats but your body starts craving a lot more *wink wink. In the fall both women and men experience a rise in libido.  Studies have also shown that our levels of attractions rise! Apparently our shift in clothing makes women become more attractive. Even though we show more skin in the summer, being covered up in the fall is said to be more attractive and has said to be a turn on



Your feminine area may feel better 

If you’re  prone to having Yeast infections and the occasional UTI, your vaginal area will feel a lot better in not only the fall but the winter too. Shifting from the hot and humid weather the summer brings, to the dry and cooler temperatures that the fall brings will guarantee a healthier vagina. 


The low temperatures have been said to comfort the vagina and vulva which are the more sensitive areas of the feminine body. Believe it or not many women shave less during the fall as they are covered up more. This is also helpful as we don’t wear tight undies and bikinis which help our sensitive lady down below breath. 


To ensure a healthier vagina, try to get a little more comfortable this fall and wear more cotton underwear and less fitted clothing. Studies have shown wearing synthetic underwear and tight clothes increase your chances of infection.


These are just a few changes to help you get to know as well as understand your body this fall season. 


Author: Khala Clarke 

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