Empower Women Lists and Tips Women empowering women Womens wellness

10 Daily positive affirmations for a better mindset

As we are still early into this new year, changes are continuously happening around us and keeping a strong and positive mindset will make the different transitions that come with life that much more easier. The Mariposa Sisters believe in finding peace within yourself will not only help better your mind but it helps your body, your soul and ultimately it will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life. Creating a positive mindset will help you have a positive and peaceful life. 


 So let’s get into it, what are positive affirmations? 


Positive affirmations are words, phrases and statements that an individual says to themselves or others to encourage and motivate. In other words, Affirmations are what I like to call “confidence shots’ ‘ they are words that carry so much power because when you are self- affirming you are building your confidence by motivating, encouraging and reassuring yourself.


 Affirming yourself is a way to self build, heal, and love yourself. So, take these 10 affirmations and create a positive mind, body and heart. 


To start the day (fill in the space with a positive affirmation)


1. I embrace the power and beauty within me. 


2. I am confident of my ability to ______________


3. I am even better than I was yesterday. 


4. What I love about myself is_________________


5. Today I will allow myself to be who I am free of any judgement.


To end the day 


6. I am grateful for the many blessing I have in my life. 


7. With each day I am growing and learning.


8. I trust the path that I am on. 


9. I felt proud of myself today when I___________


10. I am beautiful, strong, powerful, courageous, I am ready for whatever is next for me.


Tips when self affirming

* When self-affirming you want the thing you say to actually resonate, so be sure to stay 100 percent honest with yourself and speak truthfully. 


* Make positive affirmations a part of  your daily routine. 


* Journaling or writing  your affirmations is a great way to get in the habit of saying affirmations as well as remembering the things you’ve said along the way.


* Avoid saying words with negative connotations. 


* Self-affirm EVERYWHERE, in the mirror, the shower, the car EVERYWHERE! Continuously remind yourself what you mean to you!


Author: Khala Clarke 

Empower Women Entertainment Lists and Tips Mariposa Sisters picks Women empowering women

3 Binge worthy Netflix shows staring women

 How to Get Away with Murder


How to Get Away with Murder is a nail-biting thriller staring Oscar and Tony award winning actress Viola Davis as Annalise Keating; a criminal defense attorney and law professor at Middleton University in Philadelphia. 


In the series Analise picks five of her first year students to intern at her firm: Alfred Enoch as Wes Gibbins, Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh, Aja Naomi King as Michaela Pratt, Matt McGorry as Asher Millstone, and Karla Souza as Laurel Castillo. The five students work alongside Annalises’ long time employees Frank Delfino(Charlie Weber) and Bonnie Winterbottom (Liza Weil) to fight for justice as well as evade it. 


This show highlights women from many different backgrounds and ethnicities dominating a field that is notoriously run by men and is must-see for any film enthusiast!






Wentworth is a drama series about an Australian women’s prison that does a great job at highlighting the parallels of societal hierarchy within the prison system. 


At first the show focuses on a frail and frightened Bea Smith played by Danielle Cormack who later evolves into a powerful prison lord. We see Bea’s rapid rise to the top of the prison hierarchy as well as the dynamic development of the other characters throughout the series.The women of Wentworth prison are gritty, powerful and fierce.





Scandal is a heart-wrenching political thriller starring Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope. The show is based in the White House and is centered around the life of Olivia Pope as she dedicates her life to protecting the secrets of the the most powerful people in America, including the president himself. How’s that for a current events’ irony?


Breaking boundaries, ‘Scandal’ highlights a single Black woman of power in the White House as well as setting the standard for the film industry in terms of diversification of its cast members. It also does a great job of attacking some common societal issues such as infidelity, feminism, race and shady government politics.



Author: Khala Clarke 


Empower Women Lists and Tips Mariposa Sisters picks Women empowering women

5 Must-See Motivational Movies

If you’re in the need for some motivation at the start of the new year, then look no further. These five films explore some of the most powerful female character’s most defining moments. So grab some popcorn, relax and get ready to feel empowered.


Hidden Figures


Hidden Figures tells the story of a group of black women who were the brains behind one of the biggest and best operations in history. The film follows three women – Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan and Kathrine Johnson- as they work their way up in NASA. The women worked to launch John Glenn into space and then bring him home safely. 



The Devil Wears Prada


After graduating, Andy find a job as an assistant to an editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine. But there is a twist. Said editor-in-chief might be the scariest lady alive. Watch the two powerful ladies battle it out in this fabulous film. Also, if you’re a fashion-lover, then you will, without a doubt, love it.





This film shows Cheryl Strayed’s physical and mental journey to finding hope again after she seems to lose everything. She sets out to hike more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail all alone and finds healing along the way.



The Help


This historical fiction film takes place in the 60s in Mississippi. Skeeter comes home after college on a mission to become a writer. She chooses to write a book about  African American maids’ and how they’ve spent their life working for white families. This obviously causes quite the ruckus in her small town, but it turns into a beautiful story.



The Hunger Games films


This dystopian film series follows Katniss Everdeen as she tries to change the way society works. She takes her sister’s place in what is known as The Hunger Games- where children from each district fight until the death in order for the Capitol to keep control over the districts. This all leads to an eventual overthrow of the society’s government that is basically lead by Katniss. She takes the cake for being one badass woman.



Authour: Ashli Ellerman

Empower Women Lists and Tips Mariposa Sisters picks Women empowering women Womens wellness

4 ways to Embrace menstruation

Menstrual cycles, also known as periods or moon cycles, is the time of the month that most women dread. but what if I told you your monthly cycle is something that is so sacred it should be embraced. A woman’s menstrual cycle is a form of her feminine power and should be considered beautiful and extraordinary. With that being said here are four ways to embrace your menstrual cycle. 


1. Mindful thinking


When it’s ‘that time of the month’ for us we often become negative, unmotivated and moody; all of which may be deemed as natural but embracing your period and developing a positive mindset will go a long way. 


Think of it like this: during your period your body is shedding its linings and replenishing, So by  knowing this and setting a positive mindset with the intent of letting go, your body releases any built up stress, anxiety or negative energy. This helps with relaxation and keeping a steady mindset during your period. 


A great way to clear your mind and eliminate all the unsettling thoughts and feelings that may come up is to meditate. Meditating is a great way to level both the mind and the body.



2. Show yourself some extra love 


During your period it’s very important to show yourself an immense amount of love. We sometimes feel extra tired or lazy during our periods, so allow yourself to slow down and have some down time. Take a bath, sip a glass of wine or tea, binge-watch your favorite show if you feel inclined to and take that nap if you need one…Or  two.  


It’s also important to not let your cravings get the best of you. Eat clean and drink lots of water. If you get a sweet tooth, yes indulge but don’t go crazy. Eating fresh fruit is a great alternative for candy and other sweets.  



3. Go with the flow 


As women we can’t hide the fact that there are many challenges that come with menstruation. one of which is deciding what to wear. Although, you may want to go against your body and throw on that new white dress from Fashionova, however wearing dark colors, flowy dresses and breathable pants promotes comfort and will allow nature to take its course without any disruptions. With that being said go with the flow. Not everyday has to be a fashion show and remember there’s nothing wrong with looking and feeling comfortable. 



4. Go Green 


Use feminine products that promote a healthier living such as organic tampons and pads that are free of cotton, chlorine, synthetic pesticides, dyes & fragrances. Having cleaner products will not only benefit you but it will help the earth as well. 



Author: Khala Clarke 





Empower Women Lists and Tips Women empowering women Womens wellness

Feeling Overworked? Here’s How to Fix it.

Losing sleep? Gaining weight? Feeling tired all of the time? These are all symptoms of being overworked. This means that finding a balance between your career and wellness needs to become more of a priority for you in 2021. So get out of that work rut and focus on yourself a bit more with these tips.



1. Take time to relax.


This is an obvious one. You need to schedule in some time everyday to do something you enjoy. Read a book. Watch your favorite TV show. Bake some cookies. Find something that makes you happy outside of your job, and don’t feel guilty about it. Life isn’t just about work.



2. Move your body.


This doesn’t mean you need to sweat it out at the gym for an hour. Just simply go for a walk or watch a 20 minutes yoga tutorial on YouTube. Exercise is super important for calming the mind and keeping your body healthy.




3. Learn a new skill.


Challenging your mind every now and then is also a good way to get out of a rut at work. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to cook, or maybe you want to learn how to knit. It can be literally anything. Sometimes being overworked just means that you’ve been doing the same mundane thing for too long, so learning something new is a good way to reset your mind.




4. Meditate


This one might sound scary, but trust me, it’s not. Meditation is also a good way to reset your mind and spirit after you experience high levels of stress. If you’ve never done it before, you’re in luck. We have a blog all about beginning to meditate. Just take 10 minutes a day to disconnect, and you will see a world of a difference.




5. Go outside.


Spending time in the sun is scientifically proven to boost your mood, so doing so is never a bad idea. This can be as simple as drinking your morning coffee outside or going for a walk. Also, since we’re in the middle of a pandemic right now, and you’re probably still stuck working from home, you could bring your work outside.



Just remember. Taking care of yourself is just as important as your career. If your self-care is slacking, then it will reflect back on your work. All you have to do is follow some simple steps and you are sure to see a difference.



Author: Ashli Ellerman

Empower Women Women empowering women women in power

The First Black Congresswoman Was Just Elected in Missouri

It’s been a very crazy week in politics. There have been some huge wins and losses all around, but in the midst of it all was a monumental moment for black women. 


History was made in Missouri this past week as Cori Bush was elected to the state’s 1st Congressional District, which covers the St. Louis area. Bush, who is a democrat, will be Missouri’s first Black Congresswoman.


Bush is a registered nurse who got into politics after the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. She has been a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, not just over the past few months, but for the past several years. If you’re interested in seeing her rise to congress, then you should watch Knock Down The House on Netflix.


Bush gave a moving victory speech on election night where she promised St. Louis that things were going to change.


“St Louis: my city, my home, my community. We have been surviving and grinding and just scraping by for so long, and now this is our moment to finally, finally start living and growing and thriving,” Bush said in her speech. “So, as the first Black woman, nurse, and single mother to have the honor to represent Missouri in the United States Congress, let me just say this. To the Black women. The Black girls. The nurses. The single mothers. The essential workers. This. Is. OUR. Moment.”


Bush ended her speech with a call to everyone to come together and work toward a better community.


“This moment is brought to us by us – by our movement for social, racial, and economic justice. Now, our movement is going to Congress,” Bush said. “And we will meet the challenges of this moment as a movement: side by side, arm in arm, and with our fists in the air – ready to serve each other until every single one of us is free.”


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was also featured in Knock Down The House, was re-elected to New York’s 14th Congressional District. She and three other women make up what is known as “the squad.” The group of women- AOC, Ilan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib- were elected to the House of Representatives in 2018. The group of Democratic women strives to represent the demographic diversity of a younger generation in politics, as well as advocate for a number of progressive policies. 


It now looks as though these women might be adding a new member to their “squad.”


Author: Ashli Ellerman

Empower Women Women empowering women women in power

Recap of major moments for women in 2020


The year of 2020 was a year full of tragedy, triumphs and change across the world. It’s easy to only look at the many losses we’ve faced this past year but even with such tragedies there was great change. In 2020 we saw positive changes when it comes to women’s rights and gender, we also saw progressive laws put in place to protect women as well as women in power making major power moves. Here are the 5 2020 highlights for women. 


  • United States elects first woman vice-president
“Kamala Harris” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The United States breaks down barriers by electing Kamala Harris as the next vice president of the U.S. Harris will not only be the first Black and indian American to be a major party’s vice presidential candidate but she will be the first woman to be elected as the vice president of the U.S.  The U.S. will also have its first all women senior communications team.  


  • Kuwaiti places a new law for protection against domestic violence
                                          Photo courtesy of Canva

Following years of activism from women’s rights activist groups a new law of protection from domestic violence was put in place in order to protect and help the women of Kuwaiti. The new law will provide shelters, counseling, legal assistance for survivors, a hotline for domestic violence complaints as well as emergency protection orders so abusers won’t have access to their victims.  


  • Scotland makes menstrual products free
                                                Photo courtesy of Canva


In November Scotland became the first country to provide free access to menstrual products in public buildings which include public schools and universities. The Scottish parliament issued the period products bill in order to relieve women of the cost and taxing of menstrual products and ensure women are able to effectively manage their periods.


  • New Zealand appoints first woman as Foregin minister  
“Nanaia Mahuta & Meka Whaitiri” by Nevada.Halbert is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Back in November New Zealand appointed its first indigenous woman as Foreign Minister. Nanaia Mahuta is Maori which means she is an indigenous Polynesian from the mainland of New Zealand. Mahuta is also the first woman who is a member of parliament to wear a moko kauae, a traditional tattoo on her chin.


  •  The nation’s first openly transgender United State senator
“2018.03.20 Sarah McBride and Rep Joe Kennedy, Politics and Prose, Washington, DC USA 4113” by tedeytan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Sarah McBride becomes the nation’s first openly transgender woman on the state senate. McBride won the seat in a two-person democratic primary. During McBrides’ campaign she focused on healthcare, infrastructure and schools. 



Author: Khala Clarke 

Empower Women Lists and Tips Mariposa Sisters picks Womens wellness

Tips and Tricks to Begin Meditating

Ladies, who doesn’t want to start off the new year on a high note? Learning how to meditate can benefit you in so many ways, but the task itself can feel daunting. Have no fear though, it’s not as hard as it might seem. These key meditation tips and tricks will make sure you’re your most zen self as we begin 2021. 


1.Download the Calm app.


If I could only offer you one piece of advice, then it would be this. The Calm app is a game changer when it comes to learning how to meditate. Calm offers you tons of different guided meditations led by experts so that you can feel like an expert. You can simply start with one of the beginner meditations on how to start meditating, and then when you feel comfortable you can begin other types of meditations based on the issues that arise throughout your day. There’s meditations catered to work-life, college students, anxiety, sleep and so much more.


2. Stick to it.


Though it might be hard at first, you have to keep pushing yourself. Letting go and freeing your mind definitely isn’t the most natural thing, so make sure you give yourself patience. Commit to just 10 minutes a day for at least a month. If you create a daily routine, then not only will you be more likely to keep doing it, but you’re also guaranteed to get better at it the more you practice.


3. Give yourself some slack.


Don’t worry too much about if you’re doing it wrong. It’s not like playing a sport or baking. There isn’t really a perfect way to do it. Your mind will wander because that’s just how our minds are programmed but as long as you try to focus your attention on the meditation then you really can’t mess it up. It’s all about practice.


4. Take a yoga class.


Yoga and meditation go hand in hand, so taking a yoga class is the perfect way to enhance your meditation practice. This calming form of exercise can really get you into the right headspace before beginning your meditation practice. You don’t even have to spend money on a class if you don’t want to. Sarah Beth is a yoga instructor on YouTube, and she offers all different types of yoga classes. “A moving meditation is being mindful and aware of movement without a goal or destination,” says Beth. “It’s not about hitting the posture or where you’re going next — just enjoying what’s happening in each present moment as it happens.”



Author: Ashli Ellerman

Empower Women Lists and Tips

Celebrating the end 2020

As December comes to an end and January gets closer, 2020 was a wild ride. The new year will bring a much needed end to the craziness 2020 had in store for us. We hope you’re proud of yourself for making it through this year; that alone is a huge accomplishment! Here’s a short list of wonderful things you completed and hopefully get you to look forward to a new year.


1. You made it through a really tough semester


This is a major achievement! Taking online classes isn’t for everyone, and suddenly having all of your classes online is a major change. Students struggled with being present, actually learning, having the motivation to show up for class, and so much more. School didn’t feel like how it usually does and the days blended together significantly more. Through it all, you did it! You still were able to get through this stressful semester of school. It doesn’t even matter how well you did, because all that matters is you did it! 


2. You started new hobbies


Quarantine brought a lot of firsts, but hopefully one of those firsts was a new hobby! Thanks to Tik Tok things such as roller skating, baking, and bread making made a comeback! People also became their own baristas whipping up coffee drinks, starting with the trendy Dalgona coffee. Tie dye also made its way back into the light as people began to reinvent their wardrobes. Being a botanist and seeing plant collections grow was a very popular hobby that people got into as well. The point is that even with all the horrible things this year threw at everyone, you were able to make the best of it. And that is definitely something to be proud of!


3. You had more free time


This one may not seem like something to celebrate, but you absolutely should. When was the last time you had this much free time? With this free time, you might’ve taken time for you, worked on your mental health, worked on your physical health, learned something new, or done absolutely nothing. And there’s nothing wrong with that! How you want to spend your free time is completely up to you. We hope you’re proud of whatever you may have done in your free time!


We all know this year has been less than ideal, but we’ve made it through! We hope that you’ll keep your accomplishments in mind as we head into a new year.



Authour: Alaina Newman

Empower Women Women empowering women

New Year, New YOU

It’s that time of the year again, as we look back and reflect on goals we’ve set for 2020.  You might have accomplished some but not all and that’s ok. As you reflect, approach your unmet goals and ask yourself whether or not you’d like to take it into the new year. If it feels too challenging, consider breaking it down into a smaller actionable goal.  Also, don’t forget to be kind to yourself, 2020 was not an easy year! In a time where the world is more chaotic, taking the time to write out your goals can make you more clear in your direction and ease stress. It could be anything from exercising more, starting up a business, to learning a new language. 


You might think it is too early to be planning but it’s never too early. Start by making a list of all the different things you have been wanting to try. After the list is made narrow it down to a few goals that interest you the most that way you won’t be overwhelmed. For each goal that you have written down a specific explanation of what you need to do for them. Buy a planner and set aside certain days/times when you are available to work on those goals of yours. Do your best to spend maybe one to two days of the week for about an hour or more just to work on those goals of yours. And lastly, give yourself a budget. Starting something new might require you to buy a couple of things but let’s try to not overspend unless it is really necessary. Remember that anything is possible if you put in enough time and effort.


 We are here to remind you, that you are capable of whatever you set your mind to and we believe in you.


Author: Daisy Elizalde